Work From Home Performance Tracker


Managing and Maintaining High Performance Remotely

In current times of uncertainties, remote working or Working From Home (WFH) is quickly becoming a new normal. But the new normalcy needs not to be restrictive when it comes to the way we perform individually or managing teams. Therefore, WFH Performance Tracker template is developed to help both people managers and individual contributors to navigate and manage performance objectively in this new and current normalcy.

Who needs to use WFH Performance Tracker?

Every employee who are remotely working from home, either fully or partially, needs to use the WFH performance tracker.  

Responsibility of Managers: People Managers are responsible to set the activities and deliverables for their team members and monitor the progress status on a weekly basis.

Responsibility of Individual Contributors: Individual contributors are responsible to update the progress of their work to their direct managers and catch up on a weekly basis.

How to use the WFH performance Tracker?

Individual Contributor: If you do not have people who are reporting to you, use the template for individual contributors. Individual contributors need to update the attendance, write down monthly objectives, deliverables and propose realistic targeted dates to complete. The deliverables and targeted dates need to be discussed and agreed with your manager. If you are not clear about the tasks and deliverables, it is your responsibility to clarify with your manager.

People Managers: If you have people who are reporting to you, use the template for people managers. People Managers need to set deliverables and ask the employees to submit their individual performance tracker. The deliverables and targeted dates need to be discussed and agreed with your team members.

Performance progress need to be monitored on weekly basis. Weekly check-in can be scheduled individually or as a team via email, conference call and on the phone.

What to discuss during the weekly check-in?

Both people managers and employees should focus on two areas:

What went well during the week: the positive progress of the activities that went well during the week. It will allow the employee and managers to update and recognize the weekly achievement.

Key bottlenecks areas: the challenges or drawbacks that have moderate or high impact on the progress and deliverables. It is the opportunity for the individuals to keep their manager informed and present the difficulties or obstacles that will have impact against the agreed targeted deliverables and ask for support from their direct managers.

Weekly Satisfaction Scale: As Chairman puts it, “We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat.” Although we may not share the same office at the moment, we are still in the same team thus it is vital to check in on one another as we learn to adapt to the new normal. Please ask the simple yet effective question below to each team member and encourage them to elaborate on the why.

“On a 1 to 5 scale, how do you feel this week in general?” (1 – very unhappy/concerned to 5 – very happy with no major concerns)