Emergency and Crisis Response Guidelines For Employees at The Campus

When the alarm is activated:

  • Don't panic and remain calm. It might be a false alarm.
  • Stay alert and, if possible, return to your desk.
  • Prepare your belongings.

Wait for instructions:

  • Look for a message from the "Emergency Response Coordinator" in the group chat "The Campus Communication Channel Upgrade" or from your dedicated Emergency Warden.
  • If the alarm keeps ringing continuously for several minutes, please evacuate even if you did not receive any message from anyone.

If you receive a message to "evacuate":

  • Follow your Emergency Warden and proceed to your designated assembly point.

If you are not at your desk:

  • Evacuate to the nearest assembly point.
  • Inform someone wearing a "CERT" (Campus Emergency Response Team) cap/hat.

During evacuation:

  • Use emergency exits or the main staircase.
  • DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. Elevators will not operate in case of fire.

At the assembly point:

  • Stay with your Emergency Warden and participate in the roll call.
  • Do not wander around.

When you receive a message that "The emergency situation has been resolved":

  • You may return to your workplace. Do not re-enter the building until clearance is given by the Emergency Warden or CERT.

There will be two assembly points and employees are advised to convene at the dedicated/safest/closet Assembly Point shown below:

  • Assembly Point A – Wing A & Wing B
  • Assembly Point B – Wing C

When the alarm is activated:

  • Follow the emergency evacuation procedures.
  • Do not re-enter the building until clearance is given by the Emergency Warden or CERT.

If you are unable to leave:

  • Use wet sheets, towels, or clothing to stuff them in all cracks around doors and vents
  • Using ice bucket or available water to keep doors and walls wet
  • If unit is smoky, fold a wet towel in a tringle and tie over your nose and mouth, and stay low
  • Make yourself visible to rescue personnel through any window or balcony. DO NOT JUMP!!!
  • Keep fighting fire until help arrives. DO NOT GIVE UP!!!
  • There are available hose-reel and fire extinguisher at every level and wing

Prior notice will be given to all staff regarding the date and time of practice fire drills. At the sound of the alarm, follow the same procedures outlined in the "Fire Emergency" section.

In case of a sudden elevator stop due to power failure:

  • Remain calm and do not panic. The elevator’s automated rescue device will lower the elevator car to the nearest floor and open the door.
  • The emergency generator will start within 15 to 30 seconds.
  • If the elevator does not start working within 2-3 minutes, press the alarm button inside the elevator and describe the problem via intercom.
  • Do not attempt to open the doors.
  • Hold the handrail and step aside from the car door.
  • Elevator technicians will lower the cab to the nearest floor and open the doors from the outside.

During a severe storm emergency:

  • Listen to local authority announcement and update from Emergency Response Committee.
  • If you are not advised to evacuate, stay indoors, away from windows.
  • Disconnect all electrical appliances and equipment.
  • If driving, immediately park in an area that is clear of trees, powerlines, and water courses. Stay inside your car.

In the event of an earthquake:

  • DROP to the ground.
  • TAKE COVER by getting under a sturdy desk or table and HOLD ON to it until the shaking stops.
  • STAY INDOORS, do not exit building, or use elevators.
  • STAY AWAY from all windows and large glass objects.
  • AVOID being underneath heavier objects such as lights, wall hanging and other items which may fall.
  • HELP people with special needs to a safe place, if necessary.
  • Wheelchair-bound individuals should lock brakes.

For all onsite accidents/illness/incidents, please notify Campus Emergency Response Team members and/or Front Office for immediate assistance.

Emergency Response Position Name Contact
Emergency Response Coordinator Nay Linn Htun

Hein Htet Aung

09 777 229 229

09 765 655 898

Campus Emergency Respond Team (CERT) Min Naung Aye

Aung Soe Moe

09 777 252 225

09 783 383 785

Security Control Room Duty Officer 01 368 77 66 (Ext: 8633)
Security Guard Post 1 Duty Security 01 368 77 66 (Ext: 8631)
Security Guard Post 2 Duty Security 01 368 77 66 (Ext: 8630)
Main Front Office Duty Front Office Executive 01 368 77 66 (Ext: 8441, 8442)
Facilities Management Team Leader Maintenance Team

Wai Phyo Maung

Kyaw Zin Oo

01 368 77 66 (Ext: 9999)

09 777 257 888

09 777 447 111

Communication Team Leader Thiri Yee Mon 09 777 211 888
Traffic Control Team Leader Duty Security Team 01 368 77 66 (Ext: 8633)
Emergency Warden / Headcount Team Leader Maung Maung Tin

Nyein Chan Ko

09 777 411 141

09 777 227 979

Logistic Management Lwin Lwin Soe

Naing Kyaw

09 785 421 002

09 777 221 100

First Aiders Win Moh Moh San

Han Min Thu

09 777 402 999

09 765 655 875